So I have surrendered to the current rage of blogging...OK, I know I am tardy, but I just finally got DSL and a jillion new pictures, stories, creations and life changes to share with you, my friends, who have stuck by my side in one way or another, for better or worse.
So, here I go diving into uncharted waters for my first is a picture of my new home from the backyard, THE HERITAGE HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST in Carmine, Texas. The pond is full of frogs, minnows, hundreds of dragonflies and one big, long black snake. It is an amazing symphony at night to listen to the chorus of tree frogs, bullfrogs, crickets and an ocasional owl or coyote howling the night away.
Enjoy your Sunday evening,
love and light, Deb
"Adopt the pace of nature. her secret is patience." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~