Mish Mash

Courage to Fly

Mish Mash

She is Three
collaborative with  Jennifer DeVille & Bella Cirovic

4 in 24 
my Interview at Mortal Muses

Interview with Deb Taylor


Anonymous said...

for some reason twas unable to leave comment on the right post - why i need BELLA & what treasures find me... wee Petoskey stones in my area.... speak eternity to me... or when my daughter & now granddaughter give me a little pebble ...my mom said they woukld be from her, after she passed ...so that is how i receive them... indeed i have a LOT of stones AND shells. mindy simmons here / plumz soapz

Anonymous said...

for some reason twas unable to leave comment on the right post - why i need BELLA & what treasures find me... wee Petoskey stones in my area.... speak eternity to me... or when my daughter & now granddaughter give me a little pebble ...my mom said they woukld be from her, after she passed ...so that is how i receive them... indeed i have a LOT of stones AND shells. mindy simmons here / plumz soapz