Just a quick glimpse of my treasures I gathered in Warrenton, then went home and made this fun window collage of torn fabrics, vintage jewelery and buttons, tags, shells, wine cork, crystals and even a vintage metal zipper.
As I prepare for one of the busiest times of year at my Bed & Breakfast, during Antique Week, I have been busy creating interesting art pieces to embellish my guestrooms, my art gallery and my life.
moving away from the soft fabrics of yesteryear like linens, velvets and lace to the hardness of chicken wire and metal mesh to form paper mache sculptures.Alan Gersonour friend and lover/husband of Frances, is teaching us his secrets to perfect paper mache sculptures. This will be a several day process , but I am already loving the "hands on" photos and organic process of this artform.Stay tuned
cold-rainy-stay-in-the-house-weather. piles of old linens, buttons and memories.she knows where love lives. she rarely lets go. yet when she does, you better hold on.