I had the privilege and honor to photograph a group of amazing, beautiful, strong, brave, fabulous SURVIVORS! They are modeling Art Bras submitted to a local Quilt Store Contest. The bras will be auctioned off at the annual Pink Ribbon Affair October 13 in Giddings, Texas. This calender is available for $15, all proceeds go to the Lee County Area Cancer Resource Center. This facility offers group support meetings, which is especially convenient for those who live too far away from Austin or Houston. Much more about that later.....but for now.....here are some sneak peeks at the 2010 Calender, hot off the press. Drop me an email if you want to purchase a calender! (You will find it over to the right on the sidebar)
I continue to be touched, scraped, and damn near blind-sighted by Breast Cancer. Not me. But everyday I open emails, read friends blogs or answer phones, it somehow happens to be Breast Cancer related. My heart barely has time to heal, when it gets cracked open again. I really don't know how to type about this, unsure of how I really feel, other than sad, confused and a little bit scared. I am awaiting for the results of my own routine mammo from last week. No suspicions, just routine. Yet fear of the unknown always seems to be worse than the truth. But one thing I do know, is that tomorrow afternoon in Round Top you can come meet some very brave women who are survivors and will gather to autograph their 2010 "Creative Cups for the Cause" Calender to raise awareness for the Lee County Area Cancer Resource Center in Giddings. Come have some yummie foods and wine and meet some amazingly beautiful, brave women. I will post their photographs tomorrow afternoon, not a minute earlier, because the official "unveiling" will be held at 5 PM, Lizzie Lous, next door to Royers Cafe!No sadness, no fear....JUST CELEBRATING LIFE
I AM GOING TO BE A MOTHER IN LAW!! I don't care if that word makes your hair stand up on the back of your neck, I am proud to become one!! I already feel that Rachel is my daughter, I adore her! And she lived with me when Scooter was in Iraq his first tour of duty. Oh we were silly scared, trying to be strong and leaned on each other so many times during that foggy year. Now, prior to his second tour of duty, they plan to elope and then upon his return we will have major party time...weddings on beaches, parties in Texas and who knows what else!! Why not get married over and over; afterall, that is how it rolls, huh? I LOVE YOU Scooter, my One Son and Rachel, my Only Daughter!!
I've got that "peaceful, easy feeling" going again.The weather finally shifted and oh what a relief! I actually left all my windows and doors open all day long yesterday as I painted and sewed these new Peace Prayer Flags. My "Deb Did It" gallery here at the house is getting filled up with goodies to sell at the upcoming Antique Week in Round Top. Oh yes, the buzz is all about town, tents being set up for miles, including one huge one in front of our Art Bodega. So if you're in our neck of the country, stop by, come sit on my porch and we'll sit a spell...THEN GO BUY OUR STUFF!!!
a repost from December 2007 This old house. She is tattered and torn, weathered and worn. She creaks and squeaks and even leaks! Her pipes need repair, the windows are cracked and wavy and doors are stubborn to open and close. She is impossible to warm in the windy Texas winter-storms and hard to cool in the sultry August sun. Yet with all her imperfections she provides me a perfect life offering welcoming huge arms to comfort me, my friends and family. She is my constant in this ever-changing, unpredictable world. She has held me for one year now and I continue to work hard to hold onto her and nurse her injuries, make new the old, shine and polish the worn and mend the torn. You see, her bones are 93 years old. She needs new boards that hold the porch rockers that hold our friends who visit. We rock and talk, sit and sing, read our books and take little naps. Houseguests, friends and family wash in and out of this old house to create new friendships and memories. And when I lay down at night I am grateful for the 14 foot ceiling over my head to protect me from the chilly night air this final week of December 2007. For more pictures of This Old House and her friends click on "Debs Photo Collection" at the top of my Blog and come visit real soon, rock on my porch and sit a while!