Thank you Tommy for all you did for me and Matt. We are celebrating your life as it passed this morning into your next place. You are now painfree and singing with your Angel Band. Goodnight my friend. ( click Angel Band to listen to Johnny Cash sing Tommys final song)
most of the October photographs and blogs are scattered with falling leaves of yellow, orange & red. In Texas our leaves are all still GREEN and on the tree! But some of the final Habanero peppers have turned orange and the tiny tomatoes are bursting with juice. I have been drying bundles of herbs such as rosemary, sage, oregano, basil and tarragon. My house smells like an Italian Herb romantic! I see a bottle of Merlot and another night of spaghetti in my near future, or maybe Tequila and Enchiladas Verde with HOT HOT Sauce!! Muey Bueno!
I know you have heard that over and over. But do you really think much about it? Has art really altered or saved your own life? It affects my life every single day. The Creative Beast that lies within roars to come out and play every day in one artform or another. It might be going on a hike with my camera. maybe cooking up a new recipe. or maybe getting gluey fingers with scissors and a pile of magazines. spending the afternoon with my sewing machines or handsewing up some funky art dolls. or maybe just tapping away at this keyboard about something I feel passionate about~~~ A-R-T~~~ This past weekend I hosted a Shrine/Altar Workshop and the women came forth with photographs and mementos from their loved ones who have passed on to another place. They shared stories, memories and tears as they built a portable shrine in honor of parents, grandparents and even puppy dogs! We moved thru some very emotional layers as we unleashed our creativity. The results are boxes of heartfelt A-R-T.Have you ever just needed to rage on a piece of paper? Once you have written or painted or collaged your feelings, don't you feel better? Yep! Me too. As a member of Kaleidosoul, I have been introduced toAnne Marie Bennett , author of BRIGHT SIDE of the ROAD. She is yet another Breast Cancer survivor who has touched my life as well. Her exercises thru collage art can be very powerful, as I ocasionally revisit my own art journals and reflect on several stages of my own life. It is a wonderful thing to visit where we have already been to really recognize our growth. Kinda like a dipstick of our life! I actually like that!! I am sharing with you few of my own personal pages from my Art Journal, something I usually keep pretty private. But somehow, I am wanting to peel off a few layers and share another slice with you. and please consider visiting Annes links for more info about Soul Collage. Now I am off to the Art Bodega to make a beautiful mess!