When we found out an old home nearby was going to be bulldozed, Matt put on his gloves, grabbed his hammer and crowbar and headed out to the property in a hurry before the demolition crew arrived. It was already picked over but the treasures he brought home in a couple truckloads are priceless! Mason jars full of rusty square nails, cedar posts, weathered wood planks, mattress coils and springs, kitchen junk like enamel pots and pans and a huge pile of quilt tops. We intend to honor the creator of these cast-offs and quilt them ourselves. Can you imagine that they were going to just dump all this into the Earth? Before we arrived there were pie safes, depression glass and vintage buttons. Be still my beating heart.
Deb: As a hand quilter of vintage quilt tops, the colors and feel of those old tops cannot be duplicated! I would rather have them than all the diamonds in the world... sigh Dolly
Unreal! Are these people crazy?
The Texas Woman
Wow, what an amazing find, I'm so happy to see they found a good home ;-))
As a hand quilter of vintage quilt tops, the colors and feel of those old tops cannot be duplicated! I would rather have them than all the diamonds in the world...
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