Sunday, August 9, 2009

I slept here

For a few days I returned to Beaumont, Texas, a place I used to call home. My son was 2 months old, 25 years ago! I did not know a single soul, much less ever heard of BEAUMONT. I had to look it up on the map to see where we were moving to from Corpus Christi. Now after several moves back and forth, divorces, floods, hurricanes and the loss my home on Village Creek, I returned to my fold of wonderful friends for a short but fulfilling mini-vacation. I have been nourished and nurtured with hugs, big love, reunions and remembrances, delicious foods, fine wines, morning cappucinos, yoga and ART. I slept in The Mildred Building. Just like a Queen! My friend, Katharine, has two apartments there adjacent to her restaurant, so I lived in luxury during my stay. Fresh flowers every where I turned, bed and linens like billowy clouds and books on shelves from floor to ceiling! This historical building was built in the 1930,s when money was gushing like an old oil well! The details of decor are stunning. I plan to return with carbon papers and charcoal to do rubbings of the random textures of brass, tile and oh that layered, chippy peely concrete!! Years and years of good MoJo still linger in this building. I was captured inside this womb of history, and will return to discover and recreate more of my own stories! So to all my Beaumont Peeps, I miss you already and I'll see ya Septemeber First Thursday! For more photos and info on Mildred Building, CLICK HERE


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

What a beautiful place Deb, thanks for sharing. Glad you had a good time.

Teteel said...

This bedroom is great! What a wonderful building!You have everywhere friends and people who love you and you love them. This means a lot... Be well, be happy. I am thinking of you with love.

Traveling Gypsy said...

I call that HEAVEN!

Meri said...

Gorgeous! And that hammock on the terrace, so vintage. How lovely to be cocooned that way.

sperlygirl said...

funny good friend/roommate from college was from Beaumont. i forwarded her your post and she reminded me that your friend Katharine was the woman who catered her wedding - so I have had her lovely food! :) what a small world...still my my cowboy boots that i bought in Beaumont...that was in 92!

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh how beautiful ! You ddeserve being treated like the Queen you are ! ;)

Brenda said...

AMAZING! I would not have left!

Michelle said...

WOW and then some. I can see rubbings with shades of bronzes and golds on parchment or rice paper... Sounds gorgeous already. You must go back soon to this amazing place!

I'll bet you had sweet dreams too, didn't you?

TexasMusicFinder said...

Great place. I would have sleep with you.

Gina said...

I thought these were photos taken in Europe until I got to the Beaumont, Texas! How beautiful! I found your blog through the Quilting Arts site. It's so fun here - love the photos and inspirations.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful images...I thought Europe too when I saw these...

lovely lovely, but with yoga AND art, well, what more do you need?
