Friday, October 8, 2010

Haiku my Heart Friday

 time for a cool change
long sleeves, short days, tall shadows
October Spirit

join us over here at Rebeccas place for more Haiku Lovers


Kim Mailhot said...

Love October Spirit. Maybe because I am a Fall Baby?
Gorgeous combo, lovely Deb !
Big Friday Love to you !

Spadoman said...

Good stuff Deb. Great photo! I found myself staring at it and loving it!
Thankls for the fine greetingmover vat my place. I have been busy around here and haven't had much timeto come over lately, but glad I did today. You'll hear from me soon.


Anonymous said...

Intriguing composition, with lovely oranges and that dark reflection. Clever stuff.
Your haiku scans so beautifully.

*jean* said...

pondering the cooling...i adore fall and your image and words sink in

Anonymous said...

I just want to jump into that photo!

Leslie said...

Ah yes, fall has finally arrived in Florida. "time for a cool change," indeed! I love your photo, have NO idea how you accomplished it! I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

Cool haiku. Great photo.

All the best, Boonie

paper-n-soul said...

"long sleeves, short days, tall shadows" - perfect juxtaposition to inscribe the welcoming of fall.

Lovely and the image is stunning.


Anonymous said...

Here Here to long shadows and sweater weather.

stunning!!! image!!


Teteel said...

Wonderful haiku.
The best description of October.
I love the photo.

Noelle Clearwater said...

I love the reflective and deep quality of the photo, its color and light. I love the notion of October spirit; I think that it must be a deeply glazed orange sprite. This is a very uplifting haiku.

Nanka said...

Feel of the season well said and this pic is such a beauty!!

turquoise cro said...

YOU have captured the Beauty Full light of the season!!! I can't wait to see your sweet banners in Cloth*paper*scissors!! WOOT!

Dianne said...

Beautiful image and haiku...

EG CameraGirl said...

Very well written! I like this a lot!

rebecca said...

oh deb....indeed i left you a reflective comment yesterday...
and today? vanished! much like these colours as the night claims them.
water loves the sky enough to reflect each tone and colour.
you love us enough to reflect constant perfect beauty....
we are better for having rested here.

ms pie said...

inviting photo the october spirit... thank you,