Friday, December 14, 2012

Winter light

Winter lights have changed
houses, windows all aglow
light is everywhere

"even when we can not see
we are the light, the star, the tree"
Rebecca Brooks 

answering the call to light and Friday Haiku


carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Such creative photography ~ and well penned haiku ~ ....light is everywhere ~ great line ^_^

(A Creative Harbor) aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, atmospheric light...combined with YOUR light make for holiday bliss.


Grace said...

I like that lights are everywhere ~ Lovely pictures as well ~

rebecca said...

yes, i am smiling here!!!


Annie Jeffries said...

Let there be light!!

Lea said...

light streams from each letter of your haiku, haloed in your photos... lovely Deb, just a delight...

Priti Lisa said...

I always love tour photos, and these are beautiful...each and every.
Your haiku♥

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I am dazzled by the light in your words and photos!

Storm Cat