Friday, January 4, 2013


sit down, call for peace
hands to heart, eyes closed, breathe deep
listen for silence


Lea said...

Listening with you Deb... listening with all my heart...

Dawn Elliott said...

Yes...let's all be still and call for peace to heal the world. Your picture is so gentle, yet it!

Anonymous said...

Just exactly what I need! Thank you!

Spadoman said...

One of the ways I used to describe living way up North along the Canadian border was that the silence was deafening. Your beautiful vision and haiku brought this feeling back to me. Very nice indeed!


Anonymous said...

ahhh yes
just returned from my yoga practice...breathing deeply with you.


carol l mckenna said...

lovely and inspirational haiku ~ Happy Day ^_^

(A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

Jennifer Wagner said...

ahh nice...felt myself take a deep breath of peace.

joanne said...

if every person on earth took time for this exercise, how could their be any violence or war?

trish said...

How beautiful...I'm there just looking and reading this.
Thank you x

kerin rose said...

Breathing and listening along with you....just lovely...

Meri said...

hands meet palm to palm
silence grows like a tumor
wisdom takes over

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Yes, yes, yes. Such a beautiful photo of you encouraging us all to do the same. Happy new year.

rebecca said...

you evoke a beautiful peace.

Laura said...

may it be so... shalom, salam, om shanti, peace.

somepinkflowers said...

{{ i am so there
there ...}}

Kim Mailhot said...

Love to you, Brilliant One !