Friday, May 17, 2013

be here now

all we have
this is our moment
nowhere else


My Vegan Life said...

That's a great message!Living for this moment,no regrets about the past,no worries for tomorrow!
Enjoy your evening!

Zena said...

Great message. I need to read that today, thanks Deb. Have a nice weekend

Gillena Cox said...

enjoyed my visit here

much love...

Kim Mailhot said...

And in this moment, all is well.

Big love to you, Wise and wacky one !

Laura said...

truth so beautifully expressed!

rebecca said...

yes we will
savor the moment
dream come true

somepinkflowers said...

i see it here now
just to B

Anonymous said...

indeed we do...and what a moment it is!
