Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday haiku

this is all I know
right here right now this moment
waiting for the next


Anonymous said...

So so true for all of us, isn't beautiful Deb...

Anonymous said...

what an image maker you are!!! In this moment and in every moment


Spadoman said...

Yes, when you think about it, it is all we really have is "this moment". Profound thought to some degree. Nice way to fit this neatly into a Haiku. This one is a keeper. Thanks for sharing.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Waiting is the hardest part...

Fence at Noon

gma said...

Here's to now with love.

Anonymous said...

So profound

Priti Lisa said...

Photo and poem...perfect pair♥

Anonymous said...

elegant haiku and photo and so true ~ being in the now
thanks, carol, xo

Kim Mailhot said...

The only place to be, Beautiful! Enjoy the knowing.
Love and light !

rebecca said...

i feel you my darling friend...
as pensive as a dream we hold close and unfold carefully,
willing to wait for the perfect birth date.

foxysue said...


J C said...

Awesome thought, being right on the edge.

Jo Murray said...

Be. breathe and focus.
Each exhalation freeing.
Just becoming your real self.

Lea said...

Truth. In photo and haiku...

Anonymous said...

Right her, right all! Beautiful!

Heather Mattern said...

SO beautiful!

Anonymous said...

beautiful you.

Meri said...

Just this moment. Just authentic you.