Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Summer Wind

The summer wind came blowin' in
From across the sea
It lingered there to touch your hair
And walk with me

All summer long
we sang a song
And then we strolled that golden sand
Two sweethearts and the summer wind

The autumn wind
And the winter winds
They have come and gone

His lullabies through nights that never end

Frank Sinatra


Simon said...

Gorgeous, your selfie always rock. I especially like allure and mystery of the 3rd one...well done.

Ida said...

So artistically presented. I really like all your shots but the 3rd and the last ones were my favorites.

Sirpa said...

Great shots!!

Kmcblackburn said...

Oh my, these are all quite perfect for the song "The Summer Wind". BUT, I just have to say the capture of the light coming thru the skirt...EXQUISITE! I can "see" the breeze making that skirt billow along the shore line. Quite honestly, one of my most favorite photographs! Thanks for joining in on Song-ography.

gma said...

Great photos as always Deb.
Thanks for sharing song-ography, what fun!

Kim Cunningham said...

These are so whimsical! Love them!

allmylivesnow said...

Gorgeous photos along with heart felt words.

From postcards from paradise

Barbara @

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of your selfies so I really enjoyed this posting! Love, Love, Love the third one! Magical!

Anonymous said...

As soon as I read the first line I was singing along with you...

Saun said...

Awesome, they are all great !

nancyjean said...

all your images are so beautiful...all so perfect for todays prompt! Makes me wish i was there at the beach...sigh

Christine E-E said...

loved the gauzy, swirling dress image in the third picture down. nice picture storyboard.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You've taken me along on a little journey to paradise that I shall never forget!

Brandi said...

These are just fantastic!

Molly said...

I love all of these but the top and the 3rd one down really stand out as exceptional shots

Mollyxxx said...

Love them all! But especially the b/w one.