I have scheduled 2 more Artful Workshops at the Bodega May 16 and June 13, 10 AMBrenda Wampler of Memories & Treasures in Smithville will teach you basic soldering to create one of a kind charms for jewelery, ornaments and gifts. You can bring your own photographs or she will provide images and collage papers. Have a look at her blog to see more of her artwork! Cost $55 includes all materials and lunch. REMEMBER: make a night of it and stay at theHeritage Haus Bed & Breakfastfor extra $50 per person CALL 979-830-7866
Deb, that first one is breath takingly beautiful.
oh gosh...if only i were closer!!! This sounds like a fun time to be had by all!!!! i love the take chances!!! beautiful!!
I only wish Wisconsin was closer to Texas since this workshop sounds fabulous!
I love slide show of your home. I want to visit and sit on your porch and help hang freshly washed linens on the line.
Deb, when I get back to Texas, I'm there!
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