This is my 300th post! It crept up on me as I didn't realize how many times I have come here to reveal, show-off or express some sort of feeling, emotion or celebration. I love my blog. And I love the friends and opportunities that have taken place here because of it. Coincidentally I wanted to share with you an event we took part in last week titled #3. Funny how that number 3 appeared again! Our friend Donna Parker has a lovely home in Warrenton, and she bought 3 guest homes to be moved to her property. We were there to capture the amazing event on camera. I can't describe to you the powerful energy of a home being towed down a country road. To imagine that it will still be in tact on it's new resting spot on a different piece of land. In fact one of he houses still has furniture inside!! It is exciting to imagine how history is being preserved and appreciated. Thanks Donna for allowing us to shre this event with you. Divine raptue! ~ wink~
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the one who’ll decide where to go. ~Dr. Seuss~