Fare thee well, my One Son
Remember the final days of summer when you wish you never had to go back to school? Remember the day that finally came when surgery was scheduled and you wish you would never wake up? Remember those far-away vacations that you didn't want to return home from? Remember those perfect weekends that you never wanted the Sunday sun to set? Today was one of those days for me. My son is on a bus to Kuwait, via Baltimore and Germany. His wife, Rachel remained home in Richmond, Virginia to keep the home fires burning. He will serve his second tour of duty in Iraq for one year as a Scuba Diver in the Army. Pray. Wish. Hope. Please be mindful of each and every single one of our soldiers deployed, that they will return home safely to their friends and families. And when you see a flag like this , it represents a family member serving active duty.
oh to lift the weight of your sorrow..your concern, to spin the clock fast forward and find your son back in your arms.
sending all my love to you. to him. his wife...
to everyone with this flag to bear.
Oh, Deb! My heart just aches for you. Now that I have a baby boy of my own, I cannot imagine how torn your heart must feel!
Praying for him and your whole family. Please let him know that there is a young mother with two angel babies sitting in a small house in Waco so thankful for brave young men like him who work to keep a safe roof over our heads. Hugs and thankfulness to him!!!
You know I will. My love to you, your son, and his bride. This is a hard time for all.
My thoughts are with you all.
Seeing my banner in your banner made me smile; I hope my stitched 'comfort' really does bring the same to you, though I know you will never really feel it till he his safely home.
thinking of your family, and all the others
you all are in my thoughts and heart, deb. sending strength. xx s
Okay, get a calendar and start the countdown till he comes home...
126 days and counting!
God will take care of him, and your love,your thoughts and prayers , will keep him safe. You and Rachel must have courage and strenght. He will be back safe to your arms. Much love, sweet friend.
This took me a bit off guard not realizing another tour of duty was in the plan. Our children never get old enough for us not to want to protect them. I still want to make their world as happy & healthy & secure as possible! The good news is all these things are a part of them as we invested ourselves into their being from day one and never stop. They know our love & best wishes for all the above is with them wherever they may be, so he is already comforted with each thought and memory of home. My belief is each prayer gives the hope we all long for when we can't be in control, but knowing, God is. May you also experience the comfort and peace that comes from your son and from all who care for both of you! I am so thankful for him and all our service men and women! I am grateful for the families who stay & keep the home fires burning! Let me know if we can send him anything that would be meaningful.
My heartfelt love & hugs,
Debbie Gentry
It sounds like he has an exciting duty! Those boys have the adventures and we stay and worry. I hope he will return to all of you healthy & happy. My eldest has been in Iraq for the past six months, and will be there until summer, on his fourth tour, so I do know a little of what you are going through. Semper Fi
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