Saturday, December 18, 2010

house update

 While I have been upstairs driving a sewing machine, Matt has been downstairs on his knees working like a machine, sanding, sawing and scraping. He finally located some old beadboard north of Waco, so after a truckload of new old wood, miles of sanding and piles of sawdust, the bathroom is coming along!!
 inch by inch, scraping old glue and gunk from these gorgeous wood floors!
 he dressed the house with a new winter skirt
I am smelling a bubble bath in my near future!


Teteel said...

Matt is great!
So many skills!!!

rebecca said...

my darling,
you and matt have covered SERIOUS ground while i have been in the sick ward.
i am not yet dressed....jammie time, but am making a come back. have missed you sooooooo much.
love what you are doing with the sewing machine.
and my heart is full of your peace postings.
pop by between trees and owls and find an invitation for you...waiting.


Michelle said...

wow. It's been a real different kind of year, hasn't it?

Anonymous said...

That beadboard is fabulous!

and that tub...yessirie!
