Thursday, March 17, 2011

green things

As we prepare for the upcoming Antique Festival and Happy Belly I am spending all my waking hours in the kitchen. Currently this has become my favorite room in the house, especially since it was the first to be rebuilt after our freeze-flood. We love to cook, eat and share...I hope you will stop by The Arbor Antique Show if you are in Round Top next couple of weeks...we will make your belly very happy!

Salsa Verde

Joy Movement


Kim Mailhot said...

Yummy, yummy for the belly and the soul ! I have joined in the green celebration too today ! May your day be filled with joyous green, Beautiful Friend !

Carmen said...

and i love that:
in food we trust and in love, too
happy joyfull thursday day to you
and St Patty's day too

Meri said...

Food exuberance....... what could be more fun and filling? Now I've got to find my Irish Soda Bread recipe because I'm the breadmaker for tonight's St. Patrick's Day dinner at a friend's house.

rebecca said...

i love love love your final happy belly sign!!!
perfect! needed the deb icon presence of beauty. way to rock it matt!!!
yum yum!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, delicious post.
I love al green thngs - even Mrs S when she's angry.

All the best, Boonie

Annie Jeffries said...

How I wish I could visit. This totally sounds like my kind of thing. Have fun.

Dawn Elliott said...

I'm sending Prescott friends your way, knowing your food will be awesome! I hope the weather is great for the's been snowing here ALL morning!!!

Anonymous said...

It is a JOY to catch up with you...really, I don't think you slow down very often, you must not to create such a BEautiful world!!