Friday, March 11, 2011

Haiku my Heart Friday

lupine and sapphire
colors of Texas sky and
roadside fields in bloom


Anonymous said...

Look at your beautiful blue spring!!

So happy that we will be springing forward toward spring on Sunday


Kim Mailhot said...

I love lupines ! How great that they have started to grace your Texas home !
Hugs and happy Friday !

Margaret Pangert said...

Hi Deb~ Your haiku caught the time and place at exactly the right moment! I love the lupine macro and soft background--there's a real trick to that. Not often do you see a regal purple-- Beautiful post!

Meri said...

I remember driving through hill country early one spring and seeing blue bonnets carpeting the earth. Divine!

Lyn said...

Beautiful! Almost (but not quite) makes me homesick for Texas.


Deann LMFT said...

Definitely makes me homesick for Texas- and those photo sessions on the side of the highway... cars racing past on one side, and the children playing in the bluebonnets with cameras snapping on the other.

ms pie said...

indeed a most poetic picture... lupines have the most loveliest of colors... pink is my fav... have you ever seen how long the root of a lupine is... carrots got nothin on the lupine...

Anonymous said...

Your post today is so happy, and jolly, and downright bloomin' nice. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie

rebecca said...

thank you is so important to kneel on the open earth
and celebrate the tiniest of peace.
your light here reflects a kind sky and a flower promise for rebirth.
welcome spring.

foxysue said...

Your super sapphire lupine bloom spurs me on until mid June ...

Ours aren't even in bud yet, but oh the promise..........

Thank you Sue x

tami said...

oh i miss the sight of those! how perfectly lovely.

gma said...


Jingle said...

love it,
texas sky is beautiful.