Friday, April 8, 2011

Haiku my Heart Friday

Spring splashing color
Winter greys now turn to green
melting frozen hearts

If you enjoy haikus ~ reading or writing them, 
why don't you come on over here to Rebeccas blog and join us?

Haiku my Heart


Anonymous said...

Your bundles of spring goodness is melting my cold cold heart...


windrock studio said...

Hey Deb, your Heart Friday Haiku is sure doing my heart good! Thanks for the gorgeous splash of color ...

rebecca said...

canning jars laughing
mouths full of hope and promise
you colour my world...

Ramesh Sood said...

And love flows in streams
Let me pick few drops, fill palms
And sprinkle around..

Ramesh Sood said...

And love flows in streams
Let me pick few drops, fill palms
And sprinkle around..

Ramesh Sood said...

And love flows in streams
Let me pick few drops, fill palms
And sprinkle around..

Meri said...

I think this qualifies as "real" haiku. . . (smile)

Marilyn & Jeff said...

This is gorgeous in every way. Awesome spring colours.

Spadoman said...

Very nice Deb. I know we're all hoping our cold melts away into a fine Spring and Summer.


Margaret Pangert said...

Hi Deb~ This so struck a chord with me. Sometimes when I'm feeling dispirited, the world around me does look grey; my vitality is frozen. When I can find my "spring of the soul," the colors become bright and alive, and my frozen heart melts. Your flowers would do it! Thank you, Deb!

Unknown said...

I have noticed this winter how much color there really is in the winter landscape. The grays are very much like an oystershell to me. I have always loved spring ..... But I am in no hurry for it to get here for once in my life :)

gma said...

Gorgeous color,including the bluish tinge on the canning jar.

foxysue said...

You must be enjoying all the melting moments of spring, after your hectic week at the fair!

Sue x

Lea said...

so lovely, these words and images springing forth!

gatheringwonder said...
