Friday, November 16, 2012

sweet surrender

live with intentions
less fear brave release let go
sweet surrender


Meri said...

:) and hugs.

Anonymous said...

you continue to amaze with your incredible self portraits


Laura said...

gorgeous Deb!

I hope that you will consider sharing an offering for this year's 4th annual gratitude word quilt. You can find information about the project and how to participate at the top of my blog. If you’ve already sent something thank you and please forgive my poor memory. The quilt is growing quite expansive and with only first names, I can’t always remember who already shared. Feel free to write in your native language google translate is available on my blog so every one can read and understand one another. Every Blessing~ Laura

joanne said...

letting go lightens your soul....

Lea said...

Dearest Deb... yes. Far flung to that wide expanse of holiness that receives your offering of sweet surrender...

gma said...

Tis sweet yet took a lifetime for me to learn. You do it beautifully.

Spadoman said...

Surrender is easy once you get used to it. You teach us well with words and photos. Thank you.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, I give up! :)

Lady Saltcedar and Whispers of a Tree