Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday, Monday

4 girls, 6 cameras, one wine, free time, laptops and flip flops, boobs and boots....stay tuned for glimpses of those last two items!!! or is that FOUR?


trash talk said...

Depends on who's doing the counting! Honestly, what would life be like without the ability to laugh...both at the world and ourselves? Pretty boring!

sperlygirl said...

what fun it looks like was had by all!! :)

Kim Mailhot said...

Ooooo ! I wanna come play !!!! Three cheers for boobs, boots and broads ! Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray !

Staci Danford said...

It was the best, wonderful time... What a treat!!!!! And the boobs and boots were just the icing on the cake. haha

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats good friends gathering for photo ops and good food, especially if wine is involved.

Looks like you had a blast!

misty said...

i can feel the energy radiating off of all of you, each different, but the same, and, amazing!