Thursday, December 23, 2010

denim and rust

PEACE from Warrenton, Texas
and Share the Joy here


Meri said...

I love these pictures of you two. They're just perfectly love-ly. So is Matt up to being one of the guys for the girls' art retreat?

foxysue said...

Love reigns supreme down at Deb's Place, have yourselves a joy filled holiday.

Love Sue x

Anonymous said...

blue jean and rust...two of my favorite colors!

You two are JOYfull!! Peace and all the good tidings of the holiday


Anonymous said...

this warms me. such love always does.

Dianne said...

Love these photos... I hope you have framed them to put in your home and share with family. They are wonderful and show what I believe to be your warm and free spirit.

Teteel said...

My lovely couple, full of love and joy!

Great photos! Wonderful colors!

ELK said...

what a lovely group of shots.. perfect title .. i might add love!!