Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Peace Postcards

Here's how we make mono-print postcards for the Holidays.
drop some cheap acrylic paint onto a big ceramic tile
smooth into a thin layer with a brayer
draw simple designs with bold lines using Q-tips or flat end of skewer
 hold your mouth just right
and hold opposite corners on the diagonal of the postcard
and bend slightly in the middle
(this is the trick for a good print)
lay on top of design from middle out  
pat gently and lift!! 


beth said...

i know how important that holding your mouth just right is...hee hee

Anonymous said...

Just thinkin' that some of these have little love messages as well...


Kim Mailhot said...

awesome and a great one to do with the kiddos too !
(Love the mouth bit !)
Hugs !

Dianne said...

Love these... and I have some tiles too!

Annie Jeffries said...

What a cool tutorial. I just copied the whole thing to a word doc so I can save it to print out later and give this a try. I will pay special close attention to the angle of the mouth.

p.s. loved the verification word - lestoxic.