as we continue to tear away sheet rock, we discovered columns and original cabinet doors inside the walls between living and dining room...that was a fun surprise after a week of yuk and muck. Also some of the furniture seems to be drying and unwarping nicely. and I have located some more photos just in time to be separated and dried. Today was a good day filled with lotsa moans, groans, giggles and surprises!! There is nowhere other than UP to go from here on out.....and most of you have been asking how to help. Our locals are taking good care of us. For now all we can do it work to dry this house out...our needs have been met for a soft place to land, hot meal in our bellies and various offerings. We are walking thru this hand in hand one day at a time. Matt is my rock and he keeps a smile on my face and huge arms around my shoulders. He pulls me in, holds me tight and settles me down when I am like a wild pony kicking and bucking!!
LOVE you guys.. Continued best wishes for you and hope you uncover another treasure or two in the process...
Love to you, Brave Ones !
I saw the "To the Lifeboats" sign and just burst out laughing. It's a good thing to be able to laugh today after having a first date with a nice, vanilla man with huge debt and bad halitosis (an eharmony "match") and getting a delivery of fresh-cut flowers from my wusband (what must his wife think, assuming she's capable of thinking). Glad you're finding things to be cheerful about in the midst of chaos.
Oh Deb, you can do this, if anyone can, you can, I can't wait to see what becomes of this. Now, if you can, get a nice bottle of chardanay or whatever you like and sip tonight, relax and know that you are loved and good vibes are being sent your way. xoxo
Deb! These pictures just break my heart for you. I heart Heritage Haus. I am amazed at what you discovered in the walls. That kind of stuff is fascinating to me. Please post if you find anything else. So cool.
I will be praying for you and Matt as you work your tails off getting things fixed. So sad we won't get to see you this spring. :( hugs!
Precious Deb & Matt....My first reaction to this devestating news is that of sadness. What a great loss of a home so full of a long life, lots of love, laughter & memories. Yet, those gifts will always be there. The original frame, walls & ceilings may not be the same but the present owners are going to tie the old with the new & make it beautiful inside & out once again. It will be grand because you will put TLC into every board, wire & panel if I know you at all. That is a comfort & it causes me to look forward to seeing the final outcome. Now, your pictures will be talked about 100 years from now with the way you gently removed what had to be removed but improved what had to be improved to once again show a Heritage of strong & caring owners. You are loved and we pray all will come together so that you may be excited as to the future of your home & look at it not as a loss but as a beacon of hope and determination for a continuation of love, laughter & endless memories once more.
You can do this a day at a time and you'll be in our prayers!
Debbie Gentry
be sure to treat the two demolition experts very well...
So good to hear that you have had at least one fun surprise! Hope things go smoothly from here on.
I "found" your blog again yesterday after taking some time off from blog reading/writing, and have to tell you your positive attitude in the face of this is just, so Deb, so wonderful, so the reason I love coming to visit your blog (aside from your awesome craftiness and lovely photos!).
A better day, today! I am happy for you."to life boats", I like your sense of humour! Very good, that many things will be used again after drying. And the most important, you and Matt will go out of this bad situation, stronger and more beloved than ever. Great photos as always, and a kind of document too. Many kisses, my sweet Deb.
I have been thinking about you every day, my friend. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better about this process.
I just love how she (the HH) is giving you little gifts of inspirations along the way. Just like finding the columns and cabinet doors. It's like she is saying thank you for loving me & not giving up.
god - i just want to cry - you guys are so amazing. I'm so glad you have those strong, supporting arms around you :) XXOO
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