Sunday, February 27, 2011

Postcard from Paradise

it happened overnight
Mother Nature vomited her colors all over my backyard
I went for a short,my camera and barefeet

what does your Paradise look like?
Will you click Paradise above to share your Postcard?


Ed said...

It's blizzarding here :( Can I move to Texas now?


Leslie said...

daffodils! i love and miss them... thanks for sharing yours with us.

rebecca said...

your hand holding the trumpet of spring..with the dainty promise of flowering fruit trees splaying out..behind an impossibly blue sky.
definitely a postcard from paradise and your radiant heart.

Miss Robyn said...

oh yes.. daffodils.. a sure sign of spring.

Noelle Clearwater said...

Lovely spring colors, not the usual stuff of "vomit" I must say. I guess being barefoot was not such a bad thing. Lovely green grass. Thanks for the beauty.

Karen said...

ooooh, lucky you. Beautiful. We've got rain, mud and dirty snow.

foxysue said...

Oh, that tickling grass around your ankles, can't wait for our turn!

Love Sue x

Anonymous said...

Well,it doesn't look like this...but, give us another month and we'll be vomiting color right along with you!!

Kim Mailhot said...

that is the sweetest looking barf I have ever seen ! ;)

Not looking quite like that up thanks for sharing it !
Hugs !

windrock studio said...

Well, uh, no, we are not there yet either but at least the wind is not howling and the sun is shining today ... I'll take it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful spring time colors!

Michelle said...

Isn't this weather fabulous!!!