Wednesday, December 16, 2009

sippin and sewin


Amy said...

These look beautiful! Handmade is always the best. =) I will be sewing Christmas stockings for my husband and stepson this year.

FAQ said...

Haha, you got me! When you said sipping, I thought you meant like a cup of tea! Wine is better! Love the coasters. Love how you recycle sweaters.

Michelle said...

damn keyboard, got a mind of its own.


Hashi said...

I feel so at home looking at these photos

Kim Mailhot said...

Fun fun fun !!! I am sipping and writing, sipping and painting and then napping ! A really bad cold and frigid weather mean cozy inside stuff.
Enjoy, beautiful One !

Anonymous said...

sometimes sipping and sewing results in puncture wounds for me.

Looks like you are enjoying a lovely slow holiday so far!


Staci Danford said...

You never stop making fun all over.. What a cute thing to do... LOVE it.

kt said...

love what you are sewing up!

Nancy said...

I love these, especially because they are oversized and us klutzes can use them successfully! LOL