Friday, July 30, 2010

Haiku my Heart

Today is the day
He returns to the desert
I want to stop time

I want to stop war
I want my son to come home
All I want is PEACE

more from the heart over here


rebecca said...

oh my dear sweet you.
i want all this for you, and for everyone.
why not?
why shouldn't this be possible?
why shouldn't this be our highest endeavor?
i am surrounding you in peace...
and protection for your beautiful son.
for all sons.
for all time.
loving you.

Delphyne said...

Oh, Deb - what a heavy heart you must have right now.I send you peace and protection for you, for your son, for all living creatures on our beautiful Earth.

susanna said...

Oh Deb, I can't imagine how hard this is for you and everyone who loves you and your son. I wish him a safe tour. May his guardian angel stand by him every moment he is there.

Spadoman said...

Prayers for the end of war and for those we love, our side, their side, all sides, all people.


Sarah said...

Oh I wish this too-for you and all the other families affected around the world. How hard it must be for you to see him go.

Teteel said...

I can feel you, Deb. Your son will be safe. Your love is protecting him.

Unknown said...

how hard this must be - I cannot imagine it
Your son looks very brave and very cheerful in the picture though - he looks like he could take good care of your most precious thing on earth - him!

paper-n-soul said...

Heartfelt and heart-wrenching, I wish for the same as you. Peaceful waves of light to all.


Dianne said...

Peace to your heart...and to your son...

noelle renee said...

Dear Deb,
I have just met you and I am not someone who prays a lot, but I will say this now:
Gracious One who is Love,
Please watch over Deb's son while he is doing his tour of duty. Put your angels round him, guard his heart and mind so that he makes the wisest of choices for his own life and the lives of others. May he come home healthy and whole to those who love him dearly. I pray this in the name of Light and Peace, Earthmaker, Painbearer, Lifegiver, Amen.

Noelle Clearwater said...

You wrote a lovely comment on my blog and somehow it got lost. I tried to publish it and it didn't work. If you have time, I would love to see it--whenever.

Anonymous said...

I wish for peace as well...

and a bubble of safety around your beautiful son
