Friday, December 28, 2012

haiku my heart

Let's all coexist
imagine all the people
living in this world

{yes, I borrowed the words.  yet so important}


Anonymous said...

If only......Happy New Year to you!

Lori Anderson said...


carol l mckenna said...

'Imagine' ~ it could be ~ hopeful haiku ^_^

(A Creative Harbor ~ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

Thanks for coming by ~ love having you visit ^_^

rebecca said...

dear all,
i started early friday with such a bright hope for the day. so many haiku to visit, so many bright promises to fulfill. my day turned quickly on its heels into what became a living hell. for the last three weeks i have been battling extreme health concerns, i share this only to explain why i have been so hard pressed in visiting and leaving comments. yesterday took me to the very edge and this morning although i made it through an adverse med reaction with horrible vertigo, i am weak and undone. i do not like to write about my health issues, something i combat everyday to stay upright and among the living. but i see more and more of our haiku family dwindling away and i am sure many may have mistaken why, and taken it personally that i have failed to visit. this morning i am going to stay up long enough to be sure you all know that you have brought me comfort in my darkest hours without even knowing. for your kindness and patience i thank you with all my heart.


Annie Jeffries said...

A simple and true message.

" SHABBY JUNK" said...

Love the tshirt & the message want one, where can I get one??

Meri said...


Anonymous said...

Love this too...and love YOU! just returned from yoga...we listen to 'Imagine' at the end of every shavasana...

here's to a peaceful new year!

Kim Mailhot said...

Yes, Beautiful Deb ! Wishing you a happy new year and a 2013 full of peace and wellness.