Friday, June 14, 2013

feelin groovy

Just Feeling Groovy
all I want to do is dance
Some days are like this


rebecca said...

girl, you really know how to savor the moment. i love this about you and truly, oh so much more!
thanks for the sudden and gorgeous burst of deb!
you just brightened my morning

Karen said...

I love days of the dance. Even if I can no longer dance literally, I dance in my soul!

Meri said...

Of courses that's how you feel -- you ARE!

gma said...

I know how Deb did it...
with enthusiasm.
Go girl!

Anonymous said...

oh you groovy girl!!!! Just love ya'


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Dance away!

Ripening Seeds

Nonnie said...

I love your hand movements and your expression! keep on adancin'

Maggie Grace said...

Fantastic photos and energy in your photos. I used to love to dance all alone. Maybe one day again. Thank you for this lovely reminder.

Jo Murray said...

Old bones are creaking
A hot shower might fix it
After that I'll dance