Friday, July 26, 2013

wishing you bliss

handstitching with love

bliss is what I wish for you

may you be at peace

every Friday we join Rebecca 
for simple words in Haiku
Will you join me?


Anonymous said...

wishing you the same
the bliss, the peace, the sunshine
contemplating love

Spadoman said...

Thank you for this gift you are offering to each of us. There is indeed bliss in Peace. I can find it without much of a search, usually. It takes a special kind of spirit. The kind in you. very nice.


J C said...

And the same back to you. Thank you for your thoughtful post. Made my day!

Anonymous said...

wishing you bliss and peace

happiness and love


Anonymous said...

beautiful wishes which are returned ten fold.

Priti Lisa said...

Yes Bliss.
And Peace.
Around the world
like a ribbon.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I accept your wish...with joy!

Haiku My Heart Riversong

Nonnie said...

this is why I return each week, the portions of love sent out by you and others who grace Haiku My Heart!

Fallingladies said...

A beautiful post and wish! Thank you!

gma said...

It is done. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

And peace be with you too! Thank you for this moment of peaceful bliss!

Susie Clevenger said...

What a beautiful wish

Anonymous said...

Thank you and bless you for this wonderfully creative and special gift for us all ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

Anonymous said...

Back at you! Beautiful!

rebecca said...

thank you miss colorlicious deb.
love your white on white...
and your best wish for every ones