Friday, August 30, 2013

from my kitchen to yours

colors of summer
jars of light
kitchen window scene

 roasted garlic fills the air
handpicked tarragon
scents from my kitchen

handpicked love
my kitchen lover
feeds me well

click for details
Midnight tonight is last chance to sign in to 



somepinkflowers said...

{{ let me see ::
jars of light
dancing ginger
handsome&helpful flower*picker ...

you got it all, missy,
thank goddess for that !! }}

Anonymous said...

Filling up on your deLIGHTFULL life

Laura said...

so inviting Deb!

Anonymous said...

Am I invited to the lovely kitchen?

Anonymous said...

haiku filled with love ~ you are blessed, carol, xo

Anonymous said...

the kitchen
filling with garden aromas -
and love

Nonnie said...

what a keeper he is, bringing in flowers! I love the look at your window, yummy and full of aroma.

gma said...

You had me at "hand picked tarragon."

Jennifer Wagner said...

Delicious haiku! Enjoyed each one!

Fallingladies said...

You have all the senses covered beautifully!!!wish i had time right now to play along with your mish mash, i feel i will be missing out terribly!

Mark said...

The scents and sense of summer!

Peace in Plums

Lea said...

So yummy and colorfilling all my senses Deb...