The Beauty of Different
"I don’t wear a bra, make-up or proper shoes with dresses. I no longer
shave anything, eat meat, own a TV or read newspapers. My teeth are
crooked, not white. My skin is dry and sun damaged. My butt is dimply
and my tummy curvy. I am skinny, hyper and fidgety. I talk loud, cuss
like a sailor and drink red wine. I am beautiful, different and bold.
Naturist, spontaneous, curious, wild and free. She is me, I love me." Deb Taylor { and I refuse to Photoshop edit away my wrinkly neck }
I am becoming the woman I've wanted, grey at the temples,
soft body, delighted, cracked up by life with a laugh
that's known bitter but, past it, got better,
knows she's a survivor...that whatever comes,
she can outlast it.
I am becoming a deep weathered basket
Jayne Relaford Brown
as I continue to weather, age and get a bit rusty and crusty...
will you join me at She is Three where I continue
to peel away and expose the layers of my truth
as I step into my whole being !
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click here for 50 SHADES of ME |
this is all so delicious and makes me want to hug you.
Amazing, Deb. Light and beauty, all.
Beautiful and fits me perfectly. I love that poem by Jayne Relaford Brown. Have that on a plaque with the picture "The Blue Nude."
"A deep weathered basket"....i love that! You have shown that growing older is a beautiful and blossoming thing.....:-)
Ah, my sage soul friend. . . I love you.
i love you....and what a gift i have been given to have been in your presence....face to face....laugh to laugh...and never forgotten !!
you hold hands that are scared and give smooches and make salad dressings from seemingly nothing and your smile goes all the way up to your eyes. i remember. and every day i love you more.
Bravo Deb!
agree, brava bella! you are true, honest beauty all around. xx
A very beautiful truth ... love every word, crinkle & smile!
you inspire me
The openness and courage you have in sharing yourself awes me, beautiful Deb. Shine, shine, shine on!
You are a real woman Deb...luv ya.
Once again... can i be you when i grow up? if you lived near me, i'd totally request to be your daughter. teach me your ways beautiful warriorsess!
Wonderful words, wonderful photos,
wonderful way of life,
Wonderful, Amazing You!
Oh so beautiful!
deb!!! in love with your wild woman self. xo, rain
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