Friday, November 1, 2013

November in Florida

barefoot and naked
November in Florida
this is how I roll


Gillena Cox said...

have a really nice November

much love...

Spadoman said...

That's cheatin' To live down there while we Nahtharn folk freeze to death.
Love the haiku and I have to admit, I like that bikini with those tootsies!

Much Peace

Anonymous said...

live it up!!!


Anonymous said...

fun haiku and photos ~ Enjoy! ~ thanks, carol, xx

Fallingladies said...

Too cold for that kind of activity here, even with a bit of wine warmth to help! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Lucky!!! Enjoy that balmy weather!

Anonymous said...

very cool.

J C said...

Ha. Green toes. Too cute.

Lea said...

Love it! Says me from cold California where that wine is made!

Jo Murray said...
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Jo Murray said...

OOPs...pressed the button before I'd completed my haiku:

Swimsuit discarded
green-tipped toes loving the sand
dancing in the sunshine

Nonnie said...

picture me smiling! I wouldn't mind a glass of barefoot with this evening's meal.

Joyful said...


Your November looks a lot warmer than mine. I hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

You make me giggle! I love your free spirit!! I'm not sure why I have not been following you already! I get to see you daily on IG and occasionally on Flickr when I visit but this, this is even better. Now I need to figure out how to get notifications of your posts. Love Tracie

Kim Mailhot said... such nakedness up here. Soak it all in for me, Kooky One !