Friday, January 3, 2014

Haiku my heart and let go

strip it down, open
freedom for twenty fourteen
shed layers, let go 


Margaret said...

this is really wonderful!

Lea said...

Yes. Shed those layers. Freedom. I welcome you with open arms. I welcome this new year with all my heart. Amen.

Mark said...

Shedding is something I need to learn to do...

Van Gogh Swirls His Brush

Jo Murray said...

Peel the layers back
and find the treasure within.
Free your inner self

Janet said...

Yes!! So beautiful and expressive!

Cynthia of Cynful Creations said...

I had to laugh when I saw this photo on FB yesterday, Deb, as my first thought was, "is there anyone going by on the sidewalk?!" You are a brave woman, in so many ways! Love this haiku, the perfect way to start this new year!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful you! xo

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Love this.

Anonymous said...

way to face 2014 head on!! Here's to a creative new year.

somepinkflowers said...

{{ embracing the moment !! }}

the UPS guy
has driven on by ...

maybe not


rebecca said...

dear queen of shed,
thank you for being YOU. a beautiful light of love and willingness. sending love to brighten your glorious new year; thank you for brightening mine.