I drove a sewing machine all day today. I am turning a pile of old wonderful t-shirts into twirly skirts, funky headbands and grocery bags. I will show and tell my creations in a day or two. I also had the honor to do a bellycast for Liz, the daughter of my friend Brenda. Her husband Chris is on tour of duty in Afghanistan and will not be present for "Maddies" arrival, so let's hope and pray for all three to be reunited sometime at the end of the year, safe and sound. PEACE.
Your so sweet to say such wonderful things! And thank you for passing this on. I just showed it to Lizzie, told her she was on the web, she about freaked! But she loved the pics and what you wrote. And it was OUR HONOR to have you bless us with this wonderful piece of art. Something special that Chris will be able to treasure when he returns since he is missing so very, very much. Your the best! Love you baby girl! Bren & Lizzie & Maddie!
my mother did this cast for me, the day before my son was born. he now towers over me and has 17 years of life adventure under his belt. to this day, when i hold the cast over my torso, and place my hands just under the globe of possibilities... i can feel exactly how it felt to be carrying my son within me. it does take my breath away, seventeen years later.
I had never seen anything like this until a few weeks ago I was at a young ladies house that sells Mitchie bags to me and some friends. There was this figure on top of her mantel (obviously of a pregnant tummy) when I asked her about it she was so proud to tell that it was a cast of her pregnant belly of when she was pregnant with her sun) how cool.....
Will be praying for Chris, Liz and baby Maddie!
Your so sweet to say such wonderful things! And thank you for passing this on. I just showed it to Lizzie, told her she was on the web, she about freaked! But she loved the pics and what you wrote. And it was OUR HONOR to have you bless us with this wonderful piece of art. Something special that Chris will be able to treasure when he returns since he is missing so very, very much.
Your the best!
Love you baby girl!
Bren & Lizzie & Maddie!
thoughts for liz, chris, and baby to be -- and much happiness for all three when they are reunited again (safe & sound)!!
What a wonderful Wednesday ! So many perfect things on your to-do list ! What a gorgeous belly too !
Prayers and happy vibes for you all.
Fun day! Would love to see an after photo of Lizzie, babe and cast, too.
I'm sending 'The Triple MMM' (Michelle's Marvelous Mojitos) recipe! Tried and tested! Is AbSoLuTeLy ThE BEST!
my mother did this cast for me, the day before my son was born. he now towers over me and has 17 years of life adventure under his belt. to this day, when i hold the cast over my torso, and place my hands just under the globe of possibilities...
i can feel
how it felt to be carrying my son within me.
it does take my breath away, seventeen years later.
I had never seen anything like this until a few weeks ago I was at a young ladies house that sells Mitchie bags to me and some friends. There was this figure on top of her mantel (obviously of a pregnant tummy) when I asked her about it she was so proud to tell that it was a cast of her pregnant belly of when she was pregnant with her sun) how cool.....
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