Monday, February 1, 2010

Off to Haiti

tiny Totes for Tots made from t-shirt sleeves and scraps


Darla said...

those are GREAT!

Kim Mailhot said...

Very sweet ! Bags o' Love !

Meri said...

Bless you - they will be greatly treasured, I'm sure.

Jenny said...

Sending the little bags full of necessities and hope. What a kind thing.

Anonymous said...

Deb, you are truly one of the most remarkable people I've ever met and you bless my life without even knowing it! How are you sending these?

girlgonethreadwild said...

Deb, you bring smiles to EVERYONE that stops by here.. and think how MANY lil ones will now feel that LOVE & SUPOORT you give in Haiti too. You move me. You do.

xo, m

Staci Danford said...

Sweet gal.. Sweet heart..
Love ya,

Cat said...

I'm sure a little one will have to smile over these!

One Crabapple said...

Oh I know they will love love love to get one of these!

Your little animals are all so cute and you can't help but picture the little hands that are bound to hug around them.

Your personal touches to each bag (using sleeves and scraps) are wonderful !

beth said...

these are just the sweetest things....
your heart is so big and wonderful......

Pursuing Art... said...

You did a beautiful job on your bags for the children! The stuffed animals you chose are darling too. The children will love them.

What a beautiful idea for Cat to share! ~Lisa

SE'LAH... said...

this brought tears to my eyes and touch my heart so deeply.

one love.