Wednesday, August 31, 2011

can we talk?

Of course we can.
Since you are still here with me.
Reading. Listening. Thinking. Pondering. Blogging. Surfing.

Someone recently asked 
"How many photos does one need of herself?"

uh, me, well, I have hundreds here

You see my passion is to photograph people and I am usually available, so I can count on myself to show up! I use myself to experiment with lighting, settings and editing techniques.

 You Are Your Own Muse led by Vivienne McMaster 
was truly an inspiring, igniting and invigorating course for me
Now I will be Swan Diving with her and my other Muses

When asked why she painted so many self-portraits, 
Frida Kahlo replied: "because I am the subject I know best."

Someday I want to host Art Retreats again for women
Would you come to Texas and romp thru a cow pasture 
with your camera, tripod and remote 
for some Self Portrait Play?
I've got ladders, funky furniture, vintage linens,
orange and turquoise walls, rusty and weathered barns
and lots of playful imagination
Wanna join me someday?

 Here are a couple inspiring links to get you thinking, if I haven't already!

Self Portrait Flickr Groups
So ya wanna take pictures of yourself


Anonymous said...

I love the fact you are so comfortable with yourself to take the pictures. So many of us women don't have that.It is inspiring!!! THANK YOU!!!!! Melissa

" SHABBY JUNK" said...

I love all of your photos. I am envious since I never take a good photo. Maybe I justn don't like what I see. I am 58 and all I see is flaws. I do love taking photos and trying to get that artsy one. keep up the good work I do enjoy them! judy Royse City, Texas

Anonymous said...

Where do I sign up for the retreat? LOVE your photos!
When a hurting soul is critical, I remind myself that the criticism has more to do with where they are on their journey. It has very little to do with what or whom is criticized. When I recognize critical thoughts in myself, I say thank you, there must be something here I am denying in myself. Bless you for following your muse and giant heart. Suz

juliana_baby said...

you name the time and place, I'll be there with bells on. much love! julie

d smith kaich jones said...

i have always envied your ability and self confidence to take self portraits. a workshop/retreat with you as hostess - perfect!


Kim Mailhot said...

yes. I would love to rejoin you some day. ;-)
Love ya, Beautiful One !

Miss Robyn said...

oh yes, I will come to an art retreat! I will fly across the Pacific Ocean and across America just for it!! so please put my name down xo :)

beth said...

hell know i'd come !!

Donna said...

you're such an inspiration - I'm not at the level of self acceptance with my aging body or comfort with self portraits...but I'll keep reading and working and someday maybe I'll be ready to join you on an adventure!

rebecca said...

this is the substance dreams are made of. so deeply happy to see yours coming true!

Serena Lewis said...

Your self portraits are always so interesting and full of life.

My self portraits are BORING! I'm 52 and am dealing with the whole self-image thing which is why I started doing self portraits hoping to try and build some self-esteem about my body image. I'm so glad I found your blog as it's an inspiration to me. Thank you!

gwen said...

i love your retreats! i will be there if i can:)

Cheryl said...

A Women in the Woods retreat? I'm up for an adventure. I love you.

Anonymous said...


Kathleen Barnes said...


Anonymous said...

Hippie chicks with long, white hair rock!

P.Christakos said...

YES! I so want to come to Texas and play!!