Monday, August 8, 2011

Sweet Virginia

I have been refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated
One week hanging out with Scooter and Rachel has been the pause I needed
This is their backyard where the tress are so green, temps below 93 and water is in the lake!!
NOT my world in Texas right now...the grass is brown, ponds are dry, 
cattle are thirsty and temps are 108 everyday...(notice my long sleeves?)  ahhh, yes!!

all is well


windrock studio said...

Just pure delight and gorgeous love shining thru!

Meri said...

Rachel and Scooter and your granddogs. How delightful!

rebecca said...

i find shelter in every face,
the cool shadows, of languid love.



Steve said...

Great pics and wonderful family! And the place is beautiful. I know it is fun.

Lyn said...

Glad you had the time to enjoy the kids, rest and refresh

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful reprieve you have been the arms of your family and from the heat wave you have been enveloped in.


Unknown said...

Enveloped in love and beauty now that is the best recipe for rejuvenation I can imagine. Fantastic photos to refresh you when the heat of home gets stifling.

Margaret Pangert said...

The best part of these pictures is how much love was captured--shines through!
I also loved the steer poem; the only thing that gets in one's way is fear... You are so beautiful, Deb~ glowing with the sunlight highlighting your face...

Marcie said...

What gorgeous light in these.. such lush greens. Wonderful summer pix!

Cheryl said...

I know you. I know every time you're with your son you are in paradise. Virginia is just what I expected it to look like. Love radiates from your son's smile.

Annie Jeffries said...

Having a lake or river behind me is my idealized backyard from my youth. Alas, it's gone now but the pleasure of seeing a backyard loved and enjoyed by others is a happy reminder of that time.

I hear TX as below 100 yesterday. I hope the weather continues to break.

Hashi said...

So happy you had this time. I can feel the coolness in every pic.