Thursday, September 15, 2011

Getting Layered

I am having just a little bit too much fun playing with my photos 
in Vivienne's SWAN DIVE online workshop

This week we are learning how to layer 
using our own photos 
I have been doing some extra Rain Dancing 
(wishing, hoping, praying for rain)
and playing with fun techniques!!

If you have ever considered taking an online class...
She is always available, full of information, inspiration and encouragement.
The classroom setting is user friendly, full of resources, videos, tutorials and links
I can't say enough about this ...just plain ol FANTASTIC!
And I have met so many new friends during these workshops.

And hey! 
She even interviewed me here...come have a read!

Vivienne McMaster e-courses

How are you discovering you JOY today?

Joy Movement


Dianne said...

Love these photos! I'm helping with your rain dances! Hope you get some soon!

Anonymous said...

You are in high demand these days!!! Wonderful...

off to read your interview

trying to send some of our rain your way.

kerin rose said...

love love love these!...doing a rain dance for you right now!>....( will send you some of ours....raining again, here!....

chris said...

I almost signed up for this class, but decided against it. You really make me regret not taking it; however, I do love looking at what you are creating!

Meri said...

Oh my gosh -- it looks like SO MUCH FUN! And I think your rain dance is helping. It looks like rain moved into parts of Texas today. Keep dancing!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Hey Deb, this is really cool. I saw your message but didn't want to respond to it. It does appear my email has been hacked. Thanks for the heads up. Have a great weekend.

She Who Doodles said...

you can never have too much fun. enjoy, love the progress.