Saturday, January 28, 2012

here and now

I have come to the waters edge 
                   to spend a few weeks with my Mom

we have places to go and things to do


Michel said...

Absolutely fabulous photos!

Miss Robyn said...

I want your mothers bag!!!!!! and her shoes and her socks!!!

Teteel said...

Lovely photos!!!
Have a wonderful time with your Mom!
Her bag is ... Awesome!!!!!!!!
Kisses !

Jewellers Dublin said...

Lovely photos, love the feet on the sand, reminds me of summer.

kt40s said...

crazy about the last photo you two are a super pair!

Serena Lewis said...


gma said...

Have fun have with Jo Mama!

carol l mckenna said...

Fun photos ~ Love it! ~ namaste,carol (A Creative Harbor) linked w/ PCFP

smiles, Sharon said...

What a fun time to spend with your mom...and both of you so "dressed up." Love it....the squiggly toes in the sand and water; the perky shoes and bag....what a twosome you are....enjoy every minute together.
smiles: sharon

Anonymous said...

Enjoy enjoy!!


rebecca said...

oh how you love to tease spadoman with your sexy toes...

Cheryl said...

Love your photos and the bag your mom is carrying. I remember she taught me how to basket weave.

Lenora said...

Smart sweet and too the point! Have so much fiun!

eb said...

love it!
every toe
go girls go...

xox - eb.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

How delightful. I hope you and your mom have wonderful times together when you're out and about.

rebecca said...

good morning dear frined,

love knowing that you and your beautiful mom are together. just had to reach out and send you both love.
love your mother daughter beingness.

rebecca said...

thanks for your support...even from afar!~

Irene said...

These photos put a big smile on my face.