Thursday, March 22, 2012

more Instagram Love

Meris asks us this week...what brings you JOY?

I am so in love with my new iPhone and Instagram.....

little squares of secret messages.
parts and pieces of my day.
sending you sunshine on a cloudy day.

will you play?

Instagram is a free app on iPhones
or you can follow me online 
without an iPhone here at Webstagram

It truly is a JOYful thing!


Unknown said...

WooHoo sounds joyful. I am older than dirt and just learned how to text on my cell phone that I have had for 4 years. Never even wanted to learn til I found out my daughters were sending me stuff I never got. Was beginning to feel left out. Enjoy your new phone.

Anonymous said...

oh you lucky iPhone kids!! Love these instagrams...

happy spring like goodness all over the place here!

She Who Doodles said...

i've been debating to smart phone or not. you make it sound like fun. i hear there are a magnitude of apps out there. enjoy.

rebecca said...

in san miguel at bloom true i saw the instagram in action, AMAZING!!! truly!

love your very cool will make instant beauty and all your followers will be generously blessed!

Annie Jeffries said...

More beautiful simplicity. I especially like the clothes pins. I wonder if Droid as a similar application?

kt40s said...

swooning over your instagrams