Friday, May 25, 2012


I plank. Do you plank?
Try this. Facedown. Take picture.
Feel FREE! Share with me!

I've gone mad!!
my world just got a teeny bit weirder!

 Wikipedia: Planking (fad), or "Lying down game", lying face down with arms to the sides in unusual public spaces.
Formally known as the lying down game - "Planking" is the new term for this world wide sensation.

How to Plank: Planking should be done lying face down in an unusual location. The hands must touch the sides of the body, and a photograph of the participant is taken. Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play. 

The End
( this was actually my first Plank ever!!)

for more of my Plank photos click here


Peg Englishman said...

these pictures are fantastic! they are creative and thought provoking. I love it!:)

joanne said...

Never heard of planking, but it looks fun and so photo-ready....well-done

somepinkflowers said...


i ~~LOVE~~ that you Plank!

i have always gone
face down in nature
in the grass
on the beach
here & there
photographed it...

{{ U R so cutting*edge
on these trends
i do feel your heart
is 12
Must B a good thing
mine is too
all the time }}

somepinkflowers said...

PS-- if there is
a competition
i think you must B the winner !!

{{ clearly
you go out & about
with a tripod
which i have not learned 2 do,
so thanks
for the idea }}

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for shining your light so brightly.

Karen said...

I could never hold that position long enough for a photo!

Cheryl said...

Your mind is overflowing with cutting edge ideas, but wherever do you find the time. Love the planking.

rebecca said...

you are a living sculpture of stunning and profound beauty.

Dawn Elliott said...

I think you're the winner! Great shots...unusual places...nakedness...COOL!

foxysue said...

You are a true artist where boundaries exist only to be broken! x

Kim Mailhot said...

You are so powerful.
Plank On, Gorgeous !

gma said...



Anonymous said...

U R the BEST! hard to keep you down...unless you're planking!

Tess planked at a very early age (did not realize it must be face down...but still:))


Hazel said...

I learned something new today. Planking by the graveyard looks safer than planking on the road. Oh and I love the graveyard plank photo - my fave :)

carol l mckenna said...

joyful ~ ^_^

Lenora said...

Oh my - this is fantastic - and i have always ltd my planking to pilates - thee photos are fab! Yes i am going to take my plank to the next level!

Libby said...

LOL! Very fun and cool! I like how you line up with the lines in the first photo. I also like your curved plank within the circle.

I wish you lived by me. I'd follow you around to see what you did next!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Looks like it could be fun...for the brave!

Cultivating Joy

peggy gatto said...

I wouldn't have missed this post for the world!!!!!!!!!!
Outstanding, plank on!!!!!!!!

kt40s said...

keep making your world weirder:) because I for one love what you come up with!!

Vinay Leo R. said...

LOL! That's innovative thinking, Deb ;) floating on water.. hehehe!

irene said...

WOW! i learned something new. planking in public spaces. i might have to try it.

Libby said...

deb- Libby again. Thanks so much for the positive feedback on my urban planning blog!! I wasn't getting any feedback and I thought maybe I was not explaining my concepts right...So, THANKS!!

Anonymous said...

quite a hobby

amazing pictures

valued benevolence haiku

beth said...

you are one of the most amazing women i have ever met....i hope you know that !!!

urban muser said...

i love that your naked plank in the cemetery was the first one! you know you have inspired me here. did my first plank last month and looking forward to more :)