Sunday, June 24, 2012

tangled up in blue

Seven more sleeps and I will return
 to the blue, blue Sea.
She is calling me


somepinkflowers said...

{{ i think you will B
happy here
i hope
you R not
All your good stuff
in Texas }}

d smith kaich jones said...

you do know there will be a big old hole right in the heart of texas, don't you? but, being texans, we are a generous lot, and will loan you out to florida for a while. we know you'll be back. eventually. ;-)

smooches and love, sweetie pie!

rebecca said...

your face turned check up to the sun tells me you will be happy wherever you land. your heart is so willing, so utterly present i know you will carve the words "home" with ever footstep.


foxysue said...

Good luck Deb, fill your boots! x

Bonita Rose said...

soon you will be home. Truly home. I know how you feel. Beautiful photos. I can't wait when it's our time after the holidays. xo

Anonymous said...

you are a wanderer by nature...I feel you are going home. I'm sure you always take some of where you've been to make up your true YOU!