Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jumping for Joy

 Something just happens when you come to the beach.
You are like a kid again. FREE!!
You smile brighter, laugh harder, leap higher and hoop longer!

(Thank you Beth for teaching me photo tricks)

(Thank you Meri for keeping the JOY alive!)


beth said...

you are so welcome !! now in exchange, can i get the name and color of that nail polish? i am swooning over it :)

Kim Mailhot said...

Having jumped and played at the beach with you, I know just how joyful it can be ! So thrilled that you are jumping for joy again !
Happy Thursday !

Meri said...

You're welcome. Our friendship is one of my spots of joy!

Anonymous said...

You simply ooze JOY!!!!

She Who Doodles said...

looks like you all had a great time. i'm headed to the beach this weekend hoping for good weather.

you have such a positive upbeat blog. love it.