Sunday, March 17, 2013

in the light

"If you feel that you can't go on
In the light you will find the road"
Led Zeppelin 
52 Photos Project 
Gallery 47 "Light"
 Postcard from Paradise


Anonymous said...

Some very inspiring "light" photos! it is wonderful to see the light as the days begin to lengthen. Spring is just around the corner!

Nonnie said...

marvelous ode to light with your photos!
I crave it so.
thank you for your kind words when you visited me.

rebecca said...

each ray and all the shadows
shot from the heart

Anonymous said...

curling smokey light...sumptuous!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post to 'light' and fantastic photos ~
Enjoy ^_^

somepinkflowers said...

{{ always
it is about the light ...

giving it
receiving it
basking in its slow~moving
glow ...

to see the light
and Deeply appreciate it
is Every*Thing }}

rebecca said...

good morning miss seeker of the light,
something beautiful happened when i has sitting at the feet of mary as the sun rose. from that a new meme was born at recuerda mi corazon. mornings with mary, each monday i am beginning my week honoring mary with a simple photograph, i hope you will join me in all this mary love.

Teteel said...

Into the Light, Yes!!!
Great photos!

Anonymous said...

always looking for the light...

Kim Mailhot said...

Tripping the light fantango, Baby !