Friday, July 12, 2013

remain center

feet firmly planted
face forward remain center
embrace change with grace


Anonymous said...

Love the photography and haiku ~ So Creative! So true ~ when I am centered and focused life seems to flow ~ Happy Weekend to you !

Kim Mailhot said...

You do this beautifully, Amazing One!
Here's to gentle change...
Love and light!

gma said...

beautiful intention

Karen said...

I like this. Meet the challenge head on!

Nanka said...

Marvellous!! Well grounded and well centered!! So meditative!!

Anonymous said...

what a graceful haiku

Jo Murray said...

Grounded and waiting
The future beckoning me
Life is for living

Jo Murray said...

Grounded and waiting
The future beckoning me
Life is for living

Anonymous said...

you are so firmly grounded in awesome

Anonymous said...

What gentle and wise words of wisdom!!

rebecca said...


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Great advice, although I don't always follow it!

Ragged Things

Marit said...

Wonderful photo and the last sentence has me with both feet back on the ground... I'm in the middle of a huge (life)change and I don't always embrace it (and certainly not with grace...!!!) What a wise advise, I will try to think about it (and act like it) today! Enjoy your weekend Deb!

Anonymous said...


Gillena Cox said...

a happy weekend to you

much love...