Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Mom

My Mom
We sit
Just like this
We laugh
We ponder
We sip
We know

My Mom
She sits
She ponders
She knows
My Mom
She loves
She cares
She knows

 My Mom
 There are no words

 My Mom

Postcard from Paradise

Today Rebecca has put together 
a beautiful invitation to my e-course  
Mish Mash....please come see here !


Priti Lisa said...

She is wonderful, beautiful and look like twins♥

Anonymous said...

So so precious!

Anonymous said...

your mom
gave us you

you two are the best inspiration~

gma said...

One of the greatest blessings in life is having a loving,knowing cherished Mom.

allmylivesnow said...

I've just found you via recuerda mi corazon. Your Mom looks like she really knows how to enjoy life. I adore her warm smile. Such a joy to have such a vibrant force in your life. I am having a good time perusing your blog.

Barbara @

foxysue said...

You and your Mom
two peas in the same pod,
bless you both. x

Annie Jeffries said...

No question where you get your style, Deb. Mom is beautiful and full of heart.

Anonymous said...

This made my heart smile! So loving, so vibrant!

rebecca said...

paradise is a heart that is always open.
i feel love in every detail when you two are together.

Gillena Cox said...

oh how sweet!!!

much love

Nonnie said...

what a gift to have your mom around! she looks like a gem with her sweet smile. the two of you spark warmth in my heart!

Anonymous said...

She looks like quite the free spirit! No guessing where you got that from! :)