Friday, September 25, 2009

Creative Cups for the Cause

I had the privilege and honor to photograph a group of amazing, beautiful, strong, brave, fabulous SURVIVORS! They are modeling Art Bras submitted to a local Quilt Store Contest. The bras will be auctioned off at the annual Pink Ribbon Affair October 13 in Giddings, Texas. This calender is available for $15, all proceeds go to the Lee County Area Cancer Resource Center. This facility offers group support meetings, which is especially convenient for those who live too far away from Austin or Houston. Much more about that later.....but for are some sneak peeks at the 2010 Calender, hot off the press. Drop me an email if you want to purchase a calender! (You will find it over to the right on the sidebar)


Kim Mailhot said...

Those are some fine cups ! Brava to all !

turquoise cro said...

Good Luck! on the sale of those awesome calendars!!!Woot! Great pics Deb! I like that egg one!!hehe

Staci Danford said...

What a wonderful thing you did.. and such incredible memories to share. WOW..

Anonymous said...

Hurray for these women and for you!! Fabulous project...I don't think there is a person among us who is not touched by this.

Darla said...

those are GREAT! what a wonderful cause.

susanna said...

Hah! Look at those fried eggs! These women have a great sense of humour.

Karen Cole said...

Your blog completely made my day. Such a happy place.
Your photo stories are just simply inspiring, especially this one.

Thanks for letting me know you are here.

Brenda said...

Precious! And the calendar pics are AMAZING!