Saturday, November 27, 2010

faces of my day

an unusual glimpse of my day in Jacksonville, Florida
Saturday Art Festival

and the best part was spent with family
me with 97 year old Great Aunt Johnibel

 me and my Hip-Cool Aunt Susan
Don and Sue Spencer with "Ding Dong Bell"
(that's what I called her in my little times)
Don says this about our day together...
"Now, you can tell your friends that your wierd relatives in JAX took you
under a bridge instead of somewhere nice and made you eat from
aluminum foil and paper sitting on bricks."
Thank you for such a wonderful day together!
and especially for the Monkey-Puppet Show Aunt Johnibel...


Don & Sue S said...

Glad you joined the insanity at our home in JAX. I need your email to send you some recipes.
Next time, spend more time with us. Hope you got to see your friends in N. JAX. Hugs, D&S

Dianne said...

Looks like a wonderful day!

Texas Trash said...

what fun and i love your weird relatives in jaX!! have fun!! miss yu!

Anonymous said...

These faces tell the story!


christina said...

so very beautiful. this warms my heart.